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Nerogiras (ネロギラス, Nerogirasu) is a Kaiju from Fireman, appearing in episode 9. An extremely strong carnivorous monster, Nerogiras holds a particularly gruesome reputation for effortlessly killing three monsters, ripping them to pieces with his bare hands, before being put down for good by Fireman.

Subtitle: Hitman Monster (殺し屋怪獣, Koroshi-ya Kaijū)



Having already killed Rodoguros off-screen, Nerogiras was first observed near a Stegorus corpse, ripping its head from its body. The SAF stumbled upon him with their submarine and opened fire. This made Nerogiras angry, and he hurled the carcass at the vessel, causing it to make an emergency surface.

Determined to deal with the beast before it could attack humanity, the SAF located it just as it killed Gudon. Nerogiras made its journey to land where the self-defenses forces unleashed everything they had upon it. However, no weapon could bring down Nerogiras. Misaki transformed into Fireman with the Fire Stick and battled it, but the tides were turned when Nerogiras sprayed his Red Slime at the hero. Left blinded by a jet of blood to the face, Fireman was unable to get back up from the ground as the Kaiju turned its attention toward humanity once again.

Using the last of his power, Fireman rose to feet to continue the battle. He blasted off Nerogiras tail with the Fire Laser, as Nerogiras turned around, Fireman launched his Fire Spark. The flames eventually engulfed Nerogiras, who then exploded violently. A Challenge from the Deep Sea


  • Nerogiras is seen as the Red King of the Fireman series, as he was seen fighting many monsters.
    • Amongst the monsters Nerogiras fought, defeated and dismembered, were Rodoguros, Gudon from Return of Ultraman and Stegorus. It also killed a whale.
    • It is uncertain whether the Stegorus body that Nerogiras found was the original or a second Stegorus. It was found in the ocean, where the original had died, but it may have a separate monster awakened by the underwater volcano and soon killed, like Rodoguros.
  • Nerogiras is said to be a "carnivorous stegosaur from the Jurassic" in the show.
  • Nerogiras' roars are modified Gamera's roars.


Nerogiras Image
  • Height: 48 m
  • Weight: 31,000 t
  • Origin: South Pacific Ocean
Powers and Weapons
  • Strength: Nerogiras is surprisingly strong, being able to take down multiple monsters and rip them to pieces.
  • Blood Spray: Nerogiras can fire jets of bright red blood at opponents to blind them.
  • Adept Swimmer: Nerogiras is a adept swimmer.




Fireman Kaiju
Dorigorus | Dorigon | Alien Meteor | Stegorus | Jurasaurus | Planet Gomerus | Spacer | Kinokurages | Kumagorus | Rodoguros | Nerogiras | Stegorus II | Gudon | Alien Baranda | Baranda V | Scoradon | Tyrasaurus | Alien Barog | Alien Tran | Dorango | Tyrannodon | Lanosaurus | Tyrasaurus II | Alien Velder | Alien Atla | Long Neck | Alien Sulpher | King Zaura | MukuMuku | Makunosaurus | Alien Gagango | Gagango | Double God | Destrosaurus | Alien Prima | Alien Green | Green Giller | Harmonigan | Alien Virenus | Gadorasaurus | Blacker | Black Satan | Alien Emusa | Bemutan | Devilsaurus | Bemusa King | Spegz | Spegz Jr. | Dark Mander | Object X